

On August 31, the 2nd Campaign of Carbon-Neutral Technology & Solutions Seminar, co-hosted by UNIDO and Shanghai Jiao Tong University and organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University Inner Mongolia Research Institute, was successfully held at the Hohhot Science and Technology Innovation Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

HUANG Zhen, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and vice chairman of Shanghai CPPCC, ZHANG Xiliang, director of the Institute of Energy, Environment and Economy at Tsinghua University, and ZHAO Xiaolei, Head of UNIDO ITPO Shanghai, attended the event. This event was hosted by GENG Yong, Dean of SJTU-UNIDO Joint Committee of Green Growth, and Dean of School of the Environment at SJTU.
14 carbon-neutral technology projects from across the country entered the final competition. After the wonderful presentation of the technical solution project teams and the unique analysis and professional interpretation review of the judges, 10 leading project awards and 4 shortlisted project awards were finally determined, and the list of winning projects was released on site.
In his concluding remarks, HUANG Zhen said that Shanghai Jiao Tong University Inner Mongolia Research Institute has built an opportunity platform for enterprises to realize scientific and technological achievements, roadshow applications and even nationwide promotion. In this event, Inner Mongolia enterprises presented a number of outstanding projects, which fully reflected Inner Mongolia's efforts in promoting the development of local industries through new energy development. It attracted scientific research institutions and enterprises from all over the country to settle in Inner Mongolia to jointly create a new national energy base. We expect the organizers and local governments will strengthen their cooperation, give play to the core role of the event, combine the regional characteristics of different regions across the country, amplify the role of local resource endowments, and jointly plan carbon neutral projects. Hopefully through such activities, more carbon-neutral “roadmaps” and technical solutions will be selected to promote energy transformation in all industries and achieve the goal of zero-carbon.
As the host for the2nd Campaign of Carbon-Neutral Technology & Solutions Seminar, Inner Mongolia will take this conference as an opportunity to deploy an innovation chain around the industrial chain and supply chain, promote industrial technological innovation for clean and efficient utilization of coal, and support the green energy industry transformation and development into high-end products to help achieve the “double carbon” goal.
Before the meeting, the shortlisted technical solution project team visited the Inner Mongolia Research Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. More than 100 people, including leaders from Inner Mongolia government, representatives from university research institutes, enterprises, and media, attended this event.