Gerd Müller, Director General of UNIDO, meets with Zheng Gong, Mayor of Shanghai


On July 5th, Gerd Müller, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and his delegation met with GONG Zheng, Mayor of Shanghai.


We hope that UNIDO will exert its international influence to further strengthen the functions of the ITPO Shanghai to promote two-way investment and technology exchanges, and we are willing to share Shanghai's development experience with the world

GONG Zheng said that UNIDO, as a specialized agency of the UN to assist countries in their economic and industrial development, has worked closely with Shanghai, and in 2001, together with the Ministry of Commerce and the Shanghai Municipal Government, jointly established the ITPO Shanghai. UNIDO has gathered academic elites and practical masters in the field of global industrial technology, and Shanghai is focusing on promoting new industrialization, digitalization and green low-carbon transformation, and vigorously developing new-quality productive forces, looking forward to strengthening cooperation between the two sides to achieve win-win development. It is hoped that UNIDO will exert its international influence to further strengthen the functions of the ITPO Shanghai and promote two-way investment and technology exchanges, and we are willing to share Shanghai's development experience with the world. It is hoped that UNIDO will locate more cooperation projects in Shanghai and jointly promote and accelerate global industrial development. At the same time, we look forward to accelerating the construction of Global Alliance on AI for Industry and Manufacturing Center of Excellence, promoting international exchanges and industrial development.


Willing to deepen cooperation with Shanghai, promote international exchanges of technology and investment, and popularize the "Shanghai experience" to the world


Müller said that Shanghai has made great progress in the past 50 years and is one of the most successful cities in the world, with wide influence in the world. UNIDO has been cooperating with China since 1972, and we would like to deepen our cooperation with Shanghai. As an international platform, UNIDO hopes to promote international exchanges of technology and investment, as well as to spread the "Shanghai experience" to the world. We are very pleased that UNIDO Global Alliance on AI for Industry and Manufacturing Center of Excellence has been established in Shanghai, and we hope that the center will apply Shanghai's best practices to help developing countries, as well as to promote the development of green industry and green economy.